KeetzCo Jobs | Info Loker Loker,Lowongan Pekerjaan Syarat Melamar Pekerjaan Sebagai BRAND DEVELOPMENT MANAGER – Skincare Brand di Perusahaan PT Jayanata Kosmetika Prima

Syarat Melamar Pekerjaan Sebagai BRAND DEVELOPMENT MANAGER – Skincare Brand di Perusahaan PT Jayanata Kosmetika Prima

Syarat – Syarat Melamar Kerja di Posisi BRAND DEVELOPMENT MANAGER – Skincare Brand di Perusahaan PT Jayanata Kosmetika Prima

Batasan Usia Pelamar
{antara|minimal} 25 tahun {s.d.|maksimal} 38 tahun.

Syarat Jenis Kelamin Pelamar

The candidate must be possess to the following qualifications :

  • Female, maximum age 35 years old
  • Hold minimum a Bachelor degree or Master Degree from any background, economics would be an advantage
  • Should have worked for at least 2 years in marketing or brand management environment and proved by good track records or any achievements
  • Mastering presentation techniques (speaking clearly, being able to manage training according to participants’ abilities, willing to repeat key points, managing pre and post training evaluations)
  • Determine training needs and develop a comprehensive soft skills and product knowledge program for maximum demand
  • Experienced in providing training and dealing with foreigners
  • Have a good understanding about marketing or business cases
  • Able to work under pressure to achieve maximum result
  • Excellent analytical, negotiation, public relation, and problem solving skill
  • Strong leadership and self driven with passion to achieve maximum result under minimum supervision
  • Fluent in English both oral and written
  • Good communication skill
  • Computer literate: Ms word, Excel, PowerPoint etc
  • Self motivated person, highly initiative, creative, smart, and hard worker
  • Able to work with team, include motivate team member
  • Loyal to the company is a must, not just looking for work experience
  • Full time work system (Monday – Friday with normal working hours) and willing to work overtime (occasionally)

Please send your application letter and curriculum vitae with recent photograph and contact number to :


Jayanata Beauty Plaza

Jl. Mawar no 4-6 Surabaya

Pengalaman Kerja minimal 24

Tanggung Jawab

  • Brand management
  • The concept of sales
  • Supervision team
  • Make reports
  • Analyze problem
  • Provide training to staff about products and treatments
  • Target achievement, administration and regular reports on staff and client performance
  • Provide direction to all staff on product and treatment knowledge
  • Provide the best service for clients (including after sales services: follow-up, etc.), including handling client complaints
  • Maintaining a conducive work environment in a team, including caring about team discipline so that it is in line with applicable company procedures and rules


Gaji Kompetitif

{Company Profile|Profil Perusahaan}  PT Jayanata Kosmetika Prima

Perusahaan PT Jayanata Kosmetika Prima memiliki pekerja dengan jumlah 50 – 100 employee pekerja, Gaji untuk pekerja baru saat ini adalah sekitar Kompetitif. Perusahaan yang terletak di Surabaya ini terus berkembang dan mengundang Anda untuk bergabung dan menjadi keluarga besar Perusahaan ini.
Kategori Perusahaan ini adalah :
Billing Company Name : PT Jayanata Kosmetika Prima
Billing Company Address : Jl. Mawar 4-6 Surabaya

Alamat Perusahaan PT Jayanata Kosmetika Prima

Alamat : Jl. Mawar 4-6 Surabaya
Telepon : 62-31-5316664
Fax :
Email : [email protected]
Website :

Jika Anda merasa memenuhi syarat dan Gaji yang ditawarkan yaitu Gaji Kompetitif cocok buat Anda, segera kirimkan lamaran ke e-mail [email protected] dengan Surat Lamaran yang baik dan CV yang lengkap sebelum penawaran di tutup pada 2023-11-14.

Saat Postingan ini saya tulis sudah ada setidaknya 18 Lamaran yang masuk, artinya minimal ada 18 saingan yang memperebutkan posisi ini, persiapkan diri Anda dengan membuat CV yang baik dan berdoa yang khusuk kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa agar Anda yang diterima.

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